A Walk on the Dam near the Farm and Ranch Museum
Self-appointed docent of the dam's rock art, Susan takes every opportunity to point out the animals—large and small--created by Kathy Morrow, an artist in her own right. Each morning Kathy Morrow walks to the dam just after sunrise to work on images made from rocks, bottles, broken glass, and tiles. Her collection has taken years to create, and it is constantly in need of “sprucing up” due to vandals or wear and tear.
Below are a few videos taken on the dam walk with Susan, but the Kathy Morrow Studio's website is a much better representation of her extensive work.
Photo: Susan at the base of the lizard—the claws are wine bottles (to give perspective)
Video 1: the head of a bear, head of a ram, a heart
Video 2: a hummingbird, a zia symbol, a hawk
Video 3: a cougar, a lizard